
The Secret to Beautiful Skin

How it all began….

It was a quest to achieve flawless skin, free from eczema and issues stemming from having skin too sensitive to most products in the market.  A quest by a mother, Dato’ Fajura Juffa, and her daughter, Ungku Irdina Al-Juffa, working together to overcome this issue suffered by their family for many years. Constant visits to skin specialists did not provide the solution, even after using specially prescribed medication. It was a chance meeting with a product chemist that changed everything.

The chemist specialised in formulating special blends using herbs suitable for sensitive skin. Both Fajura and Irdina went through several sessions of trial and error with the chemist and a group of other professionals to finally arrive at the most suitable blend to prevent future breakouts and to eventually achieve that healthy glowing skin.

The journey started with blending premium ingredients to produce a detoxifying facial clay mask, a hydrating and moisturising cleanser that brings out the skin youth and elasticity and a rejuvenating face mist – a miracle mist – which were tested by Fajura’s children, her two boys and two girls.  After two weeks of using the blends there was a notable improvement on the facial skin condition.  The eczema was overcome on both male and female skin.

Eager to share the results with others both Fajura and Irdina set to work to extend this blend into skincare products for anyone suffering the same skin issues.  As it is their intent to ensure the products reach everyone, they have kept the costs affordable and made easily available.

KULIT Skincare Solution was the result and they are now experimenting to produce new products to expand the range after obtaining great reviews from the market.

As a mother recognising the current environment condition which is polluted and contaminated as well as the food supply that may be unhygienic containing ‘poisonous’ elements which could affect the skin, Fajura is passionate in producing skincare products for the whole body.  She continues to study new ingredients aiming to produce similar amazing effects as the first few products that are now in the market.

The Secret to Beautiful Skin

HISTORY OF KULIT Skincare Solution

KULIT Skincare Solution was founded in October 2020 with the desire to offer cosmetic skincare solutions to the general public living in tropical countries like Malaysia, especially for those with sensitive skin.

We are committed and passionate to assist anyone, both males and females, achieve naturally beautiful skin.  We continuously strive to produce and offer high-quality products which have undergone extensive research and development to ensure our family and friends will benefit from the efforts we put in for beautiful skin.  At KULIT Skincare Solution, we address all skin types but give special emphasis to sensitive skin to help people achieve healthy, beautiful and radiant skin which would inspire self-love and self-confidence.

Our Philosophy

We are committed to using only ingredients that either directly benefit the health of the skin or support the integrity of our formulations. We focus on using fewer ingredients that would produce superior results. 

SAFE & free from harmful minerals

We’re committed to providing simple, gentle, clean products that are safe for your skin and free from harmful minerals like Mercury, Lead, Cadmium, Arsenic, including banned solutions.


DEDICATED TO customer education

We are dedicated to customer education that remains a core element of our philosophy and product development. We understand the need for skincare that keeps its promises.

Nourishing & bio-compatible ingredients

We decided to make a line of skin-care and body products that follow one simple idea: Respect the skin by using ingredients it can get along with. 

brand mission

The skin is an important organ of an external barrier for the human body. It is the largest human organ weighing about six pounds. It acts as a barrier between the external environment and the internal of the body. It protects human muscles and organs. Therefore, we felt it was apt to brand the products as KULIT Skincare Solution as the brand wishes to focus on products to beautify the skin.

educate people to better understand their skin condition
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